HHUNY - Adult Consent Form

By signing this Consent Form, you permit people involved in your care to share your health information so that your doctors and other providers can have a complete picture of your health and help you get better care. Your health records provide information about your illnesses, injuries, medicines and/or test results. Your records may include sensitive information, such as information about HIV status, mental health records, reproductive health records, drug and alcohol treatment, and genetic information.

If you permit disclosure, your health information will only be used to provide you with medical treatment and related health and social services. This includes referral from one provider to another, consultation regarding care, provision of health care services, and coordination of care among providers. Your health information may be re-disclosed only as permitted by state and federal laws and regulations. These laws limit re-disclosure of information about your treatment at a substance abuse or mental health program, HIV related information, genetic records, and records of sexually transmitted illnesses.

Your choice to give or deny consent to disclose your health information will not be the basis for denial of health services or health insurance.

The information that may be disclosed includes all records of diagnosis and health care treatment and all education records including, but not limited to: Mental health records, except that disclosure of psychotherapy notes is not permitted; Substance abuse treatment records; HIV related information; Genetic information; Information about sexually transmitted diseases; and Education records.

Use and disclosure of this information is permitted only as necessary for the purposes of the provision of delivery of health and social services, including outreach, service planning, referrals, care coordination, direct care, and monitoring of the quality of service.

I understand that this permission may be revoked. I also understand that records disclosed before this permission is revoked may not be retrieved. Any person or organization that relied on this permission may continue to use or disclose health information as needed to complete treatment.


Article ID: 132447
Fri 5/14/21 1:36 PM
Wed 7/20/22 11:11 AM